Jewelery in India has drawn upon the numerous facets of its people, and has in turn been inspiration and solace to both wearer and beholder. Sculptors and painters disobeyed boundaries between the real, the ideal and the imaginary, generously beautifying their images with ornaments. To the many classical writers, gold was a source of charming visual images. Rulers used jewels as statements of power and prestige. But to the Indian woman particularly, gold holds special significance to her life. It is far more than the ultimate enhancer of beauty, it is that precious thing which stays and grows with her though the different stages in life, as daughter, wife, mother, and in her personal growth as a woman.
Sieraden in India heeft gevestigd op de vele facetten van zijn volk, en heeft op zijn beurt zijn inspiratie en troost bieden aan zowel de gebruiker en toeschouwer. Beeldhouwers en schilders ongehoorzaam grenzen tussen het echte, het ideaal en het imaginaire, royaal verfraaiing van hun beelden met ornamenten. Aan de vele klassieke schrijvers, goud was een bron van mooie visuele beelden. Heersers gebruikt sieraden als uitingen van macht en prestige. Maar om de Indiase vrouw in het bijzonder, goud heeft speciale betekenis voor haar leven. Het is veel meer dan de ultieme versterker van schoonheid, het is dat kostbare ding dat blijft en groeit met haar al de verschillende fasen in het leven, als dochter, echtgenote, moeder, en in haar persoonlijke groei als een vrouw.
Nakit u Indiji je nacrtana na brojne aspekte njegovih ljudi, te je u kosti pak nadahnuće i ohrabrenje na obje nosilac i promatrača. Kipara i slikara poslušao granice između stvarnog, ideal i imaginarnog, velikodušno uljepšavanja njihove slike s ornamentima. Za mnoge klasičnih pisaca, bio valjan izvor ili šarmantan vizualne slike. Vladari koristili dragulje kao izjave moć i prestiž. No, kako indijske žene Posebno je jedanaest poseban značaj za njezin život. To je daleko više nego konačan Enhancer ljepote, dragocjeno stvar to je ono što raste i ostaje s njom iako diferencijalne fazama u životu, kao kći, supruga, majka, a njezin osobni rast kao žena.
Nakit u Indiji je nacrtana na mnogim aspektima svoga naroda, te je zauzvrat bio nadahnuće i ohrabrenje da oba korisnika i gledatelja. Kipara i slikara neposlušni granice između stvarnog, ideal i imaginarnog, velikodušno ukrasiti svoje slike sa ornamentima. Mnogi klasični pisci, zlato je izvor prekrasne vizualne slike. Ravnala se koriste u nakit kao izraz moći i prestiža. Ali, za indijske žene posebno, zlato ima posebno značenje za njezin život. To je mnogo više nego konačan Enhancer ljepote, to je tako dragocjena stvar koja se nastavlja i raste sa svim svojim različitim fazama u životu, kao kći, supruga, majka i njezin osobni razvoj kao žena.
Jewelery in India has drawn upon the numerous facets of its people, and has in turn been inspiration and solace to both wearer and beholder. Sculptors and painters disobeyed boundaries between the real, the ideal and the imaginary, generously beautifying their images with ornaments. To the many classical writers, gold was a source of charming visual images. Rulers used jewels as statements of power and prestige. But to the Indian woman particularly, gold holds special significance to her life. It is far more than the ultimate enhancer of beauty, it is that precious thing Which stays and grows with her though the different stages in life, as daughter, wife, mother, and in her personal growth as a woman.
Nederlands gevestigd in India heeft op de vele facetten van zijn volk, en heeft op zijn zijn beurt inspiratie Troost en bieden zowel aan de gebruiker en toeschouwer. Beeldhouwers en schilders ongehoorzaam Grenzen Tussen het Echt, het ideaal en het imaginaire, royaal verfraaiing van hun Beelden ornamenten met. Aan de vele Klassieke schrijvers, Goud was een mooie bron van visuele Beelden. Heersers Nederlands als gebruikt uitingen van macht en prestige. Maar om de Indias vrouw in het Bijzondere, goud heeft speciale betekenis voor haar leven. Het is veel meer dan de ultieme versterker schoonheid van, het is dat ding dat blijft kostbar groeit met haar en al de verschillende Fasen in het leven, als dochter, echtgenote, moeder, en in haar Persoonlijke groei als een vrouw.
Jewelry in India has drawn on many aspects of his people, and the bones turn inspiration and solace to both wearer and observer. Sculptor and painter obeyed the boundaries between real and ideal and imaginary, generously beautifying their pictures with ornaments. For many classical writers, was a valid source or a charming visual image. Rulers used the gems as statements power and prestige. However, as Indian women in particular, eleven special significance for her life. It is far more than the ultimate enhancer of beauty, precious thing that is what grows and stays with her even though the differential stages in life, as daughter, wife, mother, and her personal growth as a woman.
Jewelry in India has drawn on many aspects of his people, and in turn was the inspiration and encouragement to both users and spectators. Sculptor and painter unruly border between the real, imaginary and ideal, generously decorate your pictures with the ornaments. Many classical writers, gold is the source of the beautiful visual image. Rulers used in jewelry as an expression of power and prestige. But for Indian women in particular, gold has a special meaning for her life. It is much more than the ultimate enhancer of beauty, it is so precious thing that continues to grow with all its different stages in life, as daughter, wife, mother and her personal development as a woman.
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